Website Error Codes

301 status code

An HTTP status code returned by a web server indicating that content has been moved from one location to another. A 301 status code indicates a permanent server redirect, which is a signal that the original page no longer exists and that users and search engines should view the new page as the canonical version of that content.

302 status code

The 302 status code means that the document requested is “Found” but temporarily resides under a different URL. Since a permanent redirect has not been used, the client should continue to use the original requested URL for future requests.

400 status code

The 400 status code means a “Bad Request,” indicating that the server is not able to understand the document request due to malformed syntax.

401 status code

The 401 status code means “Unauthorized.” The server is requesting user authentication prior to fulfilling the document request.

403 status code

The 403 status code means “Forbidden.” The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. The webmaster may wish to alert the user as to why her request has been denied. If the organization does not wish to provide a reason, a 404 (Not Found) status code can be displayed instead.

404 status code

The 404 error message represents a document “Not Found.” This means that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find the requested document. Alternatively, the server could be configured to not fulfill the request and not provide a reason why.

410 status code

Similar to a 404 (Not Found) error message, the 410 status code indicates that the requested document is intentionally “Gone” (i.e., is no longer available), and there is no forwarding address.

The 410 status code is usually used for limited-display documents such as promotional information. It is up to the webmaster to determine at what point to remove the 410 status message.

500 status code

The 500 error message states that there was an “Internal Server Error” that has prevented the document request from being fulfilled.

501 status code

The 501 error message is displayed when the server does not recognize the document request method. The server is not capable of fulfilling this request and states that the request was “Not Implemented.”

Checkout HTTP Status Cats API

Redirect and Refresh

Another type of redirect is the refresh type of redirect. This is easily done in HTML as a meta refresh redirect. In PHP, you can
do this as follows:

echo 'You\'ll be redirected in about 10 secs. If not, click <a

This is not a search engine friendly redirect and along with 302 redirection, it should not be used for SEO purposes. The only thing that is acceptable to most search engines including Google is the 301 redirect.

301 redirect all non-www URLs to www URLs using PHP (assuming your protocol is http:// all throughout your website and not using https):

//Get current page URL
$currentpageurl= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
//Check if the URL is non-www version
if (!(preg_match("/www/i",$currentpageurl))) {
//URL is a non-www version, append www to the URL
//301 redirect to the www version
header("Location: $wwwversion",TRUE,301);

3.) 301 redirect all http to https (non-secure to secure 301 redirection):

//Check if it is not using the secure port which is 443
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "443") {
//not connecting through secure https port, this URL is using http protocol
//append https
//Redirect to the secure version
header("Location: $secureversion",TRUE,301);
echo "Hi, this will redirect any non-secure page to equivalent secure page";

Conditional 301 redirect (redirect when the URL matches to a given URL)

//Function to get the current URL of the website
function currentpageurl() {
$currentpageurl = 'http';
if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$currentpageurl .= "s";}
$currentpageurl .= "://";
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
$currentpageurlL .=
} else {
$currentpageurl .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
return $currentpageurl;
//Equate the current URL with $currentpageurl variable
//Conditional check to redirect
if ($currentpageurl=="") {
//URL match, do 301 redirect

The above example will only do a 301 redirect to the homepage URL if the URL is

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Just to let you know, this page was last updated Tuesday, Oct 22 24