- Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site De
- Adapting to Web Standards
- Art of Non-Conformity
- Art of Readable Code
- Art of SEO
- Back to the User
- Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web Development
- Book Notes
- Books to Read
- Bored and Brilliant
- Born For This
- Choosing A Vocation
- Complete E-Commerce Book
- Content Inc
- Core PHP Programming
- CRM Fundamentals
- CSS Text
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Defensive Design for the Web
- Deliver First Class Web sites
- Design for Hackers: Reverse-Engineering Beauty
- Designing Web Interfaces
- Designing Web sites that Work: Usability for the Web
- Designing with Progressive Enhancement
- Developing Large Web Applications
- Developing with Web Standards
- Economics of Software Quality
- Effortless commerce with php and MySQL
- Epic Content Marketing
- Extending Bootstrap
- Foundation Version Control for Web Developers
- Guerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career
- Hacking Web Apps
- Happiness At Work
- Implementing Responsive Design
- Inmates Are Running the Asylum
- Instant LESS CSS Preprocessor How-to
- jQuery Pocket Reference
- Letting Go of the Words
- Lost and Found: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World
- Making Every Meeting Matter
- Manage Your Day to Day
- Marketing to Millenials
- Mobile First
- Monster Loyalty
- More Eric Meye on CSS
- Official Ubuntu Book
- Organized Home
- Pay Me… Or Else!
- Perennial Seller
- Pet Food Nation
- PHP 5 E commerce Development
- PHP In a NutShell
- PHP Refactoring
- PHP5 and MySQL Bible
- PHP5 CMS Framework Development
- PHP5 Power Programming
- Preventing Web Attacks with Apache
- Pro PHP and jQuery
- Professional LAMP
- Purple Cow: Transform Your Business
- Responsive Web Design with HTML and CSS3
- Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3
- Rules of Thumb
- Saleable Software
- Search Engine Optimization Secrets
- Securing PHP Web Applications
- Serving Online Customers
- Simple and Usable Web, Mobile and Interaction Design
- Smart Organizing
- Smashing UX Design: Foundations for Designing Online User Experiences
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
- Talent is Not Enough
- The 10x Rule
- The Benefits of Working with Git In Your Software Projects
- The Clean Coder
- The Herbal Handbook for Home & Health
- The Life-changing Magic of Tidying up
- The Modern Web
- Think First
- This Is Marketing
- Traction
- Version Control with Git, 2nd Edition
- Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Cus
- Web Site Usability: A Designer's Guide
- Web Word Wizardry
- Web Word Wizardy
- Website Owner’s Manual
- Whats Stopping Me
- Work for Money, Design for Love
- Your Google® Game Plan for Success: Increasing Your Web Presence with
- Checklists I Have Collected or Created
- Crafts To Do
- Database and Data Relations Checklist
- Ecommerce Website Checklist
- Learning Stuff From Blogs
- My Front End UI Checklist
- New Client Needs Analysis
- Newsletters I Read
- Puzzles
- Style Guides
- User Review Questions
- Web Designer's SEO Checklist
- Web site Review
- Website Code Checklist
- Website Final Approval Form
- Writing Content For Your Website
- Writing Styleguide
- Writing Tips
- 7 essentialls of graphic design
- Accidental Creative
- Choosing the right color for your logo
- CMS Design
- Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and
- Designing for Web Performance
- Eat That Frog
- Elements of User Experience
- Flexible Web Design
- Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability
- Homepage Usability
- Responsive Web Design
- Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective Use
- Strategic Web Designer
- Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Web sites
- The Zen of CSS Design
- Complete Book of Potatoes
- Creating Custom Soil Mixes for Healthy, Happy Plants
- Edible Forest Garden
- Garden Design
- Gardening Tips and Tricks
- Gardens and History
- Herbs
- Houseplants
- Light Candle Levels
- My Garden
- My Garden To Plant
- Organic Fertilizers
- Organic Gardening in Alberta
- Plant Nurseries
- Plant Suggestions
- Planting Tips and Ideas
- Root Cellaring
- Things I Planted in My Yard
- Way We Garden Now
- Weed Decoder
- 101 Organic Gardening Hacks
- 2015 Herbal Almanac
- Beautiful No-Mow Lawns
- Beginner's Guide to Heirloom Vegetables
- Best of Lois Hole
- Design in Nature
- Eradicate Invasive Plants
- Gardening Books to Read
- Gardens West
- Grow Organic
- Grow Your own Herbs
- Guerilla Gardening
- Heirloom Life Gardener
- Hellstrip Gardening
- Indoor Gardening: The Organic Way
- Landscaping with Fruits and Vegetables
- Real Gardens Grow Natives
- Seed Underground
- Small plot, high yield gardening
- Thrifty Gardening from the Ground Up
- Vegetables
- Veggie Garden Remix
- Weeds: In Defense of Nature's Most Unloved Plants
- What Grows Here
- Activities for Kids
- Animals In My Yard
- Baking & Cooking Tips
- Bertrand Russell
- Can I Get that on Sale?
- Cleaning Tips and Tricks
- Colour Palettes I Like
- Compound Time
- Cooking Tips
- Crafts
- Crafts for Kids
- Even More Quotes
- Household Tips
- Inspiration
- Interesting
- Interior Design
- Keywording & Tags
- Latin Phrases
- Laundry Tips
- Learn Something New
- Links, Information, and Cool Videos - Stuff for My Kids
- Music Websites for Parents and Kids
- My Miscellany
- Organizing
- Quotes
- Reading List
- Renovations
- Silly Sites
- Things that Make Me Laugh
- Videos to Watch
- Ways to Be Nice
- YouTube Hacks
- Bug Tracking Tool
- Business Tips
- Code Packages I Like on GitHub
- Content Management systems
- Creating Emails & Email Newsletters
- Games
- I Made A Framework
- Open Source
- Patterns, Textures and other media
- PHP Coding Standards
- Programming
- Project Verbs for to do lists
- Qualities of Creative Leaders
- Scalable Vector Graphics
- Software Design
- The Shell, Scripts and Such
- Writing Instructions
- Accessibility
- CSS Frameworks
- CSS Reading List
- CSS Sticky Footer
- Design of Sites
- htaccess files
- HTML Tips and Tricks
- Javascript (and jQuery)
- Landing Page Tips
- Making Better Websites
- More Information on CSS
- MySQL and Databases
- Navigation
- Responsive Design
- Robots.txt File
- Security and Secure Websites
- SVG Images
- Types of Content
- UI and UX and Design
- Web Design and Development
- Web Design Tools
- Web Error Codes
- Website Testing Checklist
- Writing for the Web
- Writing Ideas for your website
- Animations and Interactions
- Being a Better Designer
- Bootstrap Resources
- Color in Web Design
- Colour
- CSS Preprocessors: Sass and Less
- CSS Tips Tricks
- Customer Centered Design Myths
- Design Systems
- Designing User Interfaces
- Font & Typographical Inspiration
- Fonts, Typography, Letters & Symbols
- Icon Sets
- Icons
- Logo Designs
- Photoshop Tips and Tricks
- Sketch
- UX and UI and Design Reading List
- Web Forms
- Well Designed
Advertising To Customers
Advertise to the customer you want if you got to pick your customers.
Make something unique. Spend time making it, not marketing. It will be found.
no one i going to eagerly adapt to your product. The majority does not want to change - they are happy where they are. You want to convince the early adopters as they are the ones who will sell to to the masses.
Make a list of ways you can catch up by being different.
Once you figure out what to created that is truly remarkable you need to do two things simultaneously
milk the cow for everything its worth. Figure out how to extend it and profit from it for as long as possible
Create an environment where you are likely to invent a new Purple Cow in time to replace the first one when its benefits inevitably trail off.
The opposite of remarkable is "very good". Are you making very good stuff? How fast can you stop?
http://sethgodin.typepad.com and sign up for the blog for daily updates.
What can you do that is special for your top 20 clients?
Do you have a slogan or positioning statement or remarkable boast that's actually true? Is it consistent? Is it worth passing on?
If your business is intangible, can you make a second business card - something that actually sold them (and you)?
In almost every market, the boring spot is filled. The product designed to appeal to the largest possible audience already exists, and displacing it is awfully difficult. But this means the seeds of their destruction lie in their dependence on being in the middle.
Make a list of all the remarkable products in your industry. Who made them? How did they happened? Model the behaviour (not mimic the product) and you're more than halfway to making your own.
Remarkable comes from passionate people who are making stuff for themselves.
You're probably guilty of bing too shy, not too outrageous. Try being outrageous, just for the sake of being annoying. Its good practise. But don't do it too much.
The only route to healthy growth is a remarkable product.
Explore the limits. What is you are the cheapest, the fastest, the slowest, the hottest, the coldest, the easiest, the most efficient, the loudest, the most hated, the copycat, the outsider, the hardest, the oldest, the newest, the most?
Think of the smallest conceivable market, and describe a product that overwhelms it with its remarkability.
Find things that are just 'not done' in your industry and do them.
Ask "why not"?
Bibliographic Information
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business
by Seth Godin, ISBN 1591843170 / 978-1591843177
2009, Portfolio
These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes
Just to let you know, this page was last updated Saturday, Feb 15 25