What's Stopping Me from Getting Ahead?

I do not want an employee if he/she:
  • Lacks integrity
  • Overlooks what’s important
  • Selfish seeks personal credit
  • Arrogant and dismissive
  • Refuses to yield
  • Rigidly analytical
  • Old boys’ club mentality - discounts those of different gender, race, or ethnicity.
  • Lacks passion for change
  • Is uncomfortable managing former peers
  • Doesn’t delegate
  • Overstates problems
  • Uses humour as a weapon
Women are judged more critically than men in virtually every organization.

Bilbiographical Information

What's Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?
by Robert W. Goldfarb, ISBN 978-0-07-174126-2
2010, McGraw Hill, New York

These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes

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