Plants To Try

Plants to try:
Cherry plum tree 
Elderberry needs 2 plants for fertilization
Wineberries Rubus phoenicolasius
     Sparkling Gem, Japanese Wineberry. Glossy red, full flavor, good for fences or hedgerows, easy to prune. Most disease free of Raspberry / Blackberry family.
Black Current is a host for white pine blister rust
Black Raspberry Rubus occidentalis
Vine Peach or Cucumber Melon Cuccumis Melo var Chito
Buffaloberry Shepherdia argatia
You can eat the fruit from barberries but the Japanese varieties is not great for berry production.

Recommended Varieties of Plants to Grow

Recommend varieties of plants to grow:
Adam - good eating, freezing, and baking.
Kent - very profuse flowering and productive.
Johns - improved, similar to Adams.
Nova - large berries, sweetest variety.
York - largest berry of all.
Variegated - white and green foliage, fragrant flowers.
Red Raspberries
Southland - medium sized light red fruit. Firm and disease resistant
Canby - large fruit, excellent flavor. 
Taylor - Large, firm fruit with excellent flavour. Tall plant but doesn’t need support.
Tulameen - large berries with excellent flavour. Products for up to 50 days. Not fussy about soils
Latham - large fruit with very good flavour on 4’ high plant. Productive. Extremely tolerant of viruses. Widely available.
Fall Gold - yellow fruit, very good sweet/tart flavour. Tolerate of viruses.
Compass - medium size dark red fruit with yellow flesh. Juicy, tart. Good cooking. Hardy in all zones. Best pollinator for all cherry-plum hybrids.
Delight - red to black fruit with very good flavour. strong and tangy. Good for cooking.
Sapalta - dark purple skin and flesh. Early bearer. Very hardy.
Sprite - nearly black fruit with light amber flesh. Distributive flavor.

Bibliographic Information

Landscaping With Fruits And Vegetables
by Fred Hagy, ISBN 1-58567-120-7
1990, the Overlook Press, New York

These are notes I made while reading gardening books. See more gardening book notes