Find What you Were Born to Do

  • Make a list of the top 25 things you'd like to do in your life.
  • Circle the top 5.
  • Discard the other 20 items and work only on tasks that relate to the top 5 goals.

Read Josh Kaufman - The Personal MBA.

To succeed in the new economy, you need:

  • body of work (product)
  • group of fans (audience)
  • means of sharing the body of work (platform)
  • means of getting paid (money)

Ideas for What to Do

  • Look for things you create that you could sell.
  • Talk to 100 people - offer a free 1/2 hour session of your time.
  • Focus instead on making something that matters and connecting with people who get what it's all about.
  • Implement the Kanban approach: To Do, Doing, and Done.

Find Your Focus

  1. Step one: create a master list of passions and interests (past and present). Circle the ones that pull at your heart right now.
  2. Step two: try out the common thread approach. For each starred item, ask yourself what drew you to this area? Do you see any commonalities among your answers? Which values are most important to you? Are there any philosophies that you live by? Things you do? Can you identify any hidden motivations or driving forces behind your choices?
  3. Step three: try combing unrelated interests. ____interest 1___ for ___audience related to interest 2_____

Make a list of things to give up:

  • give up the need for petty control of useless things
  • give up the desire to build your image without doing anything substantial
  • give up the impossible dream of staying on top of everything

Bibliographical Information

Born For This
by Chris Buillebeau, ISBN 1101903988
2016, Crown Business, New York



These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Tuesday, Jan 21 25