My Notes

I really like the concept of 36 hours of pain discussed on page 110. The idea of removing a staff member can cause anxiety for many people, and he offers a way to deal with concerns.

Anything that is measured and watched is improved! Assigning everyone a number to guide their work is an excellent way to encourage improvement on an individual and company basis.

The Level 10 Meeting format works very well, and I like the suggestion that everyone brings two issues to the meeting. Open and honest communication is key to making these meetings work. One thing I think needs to be remembered here is that someone must make a solution statement when an issue is solved.

Thou shalt not rule by consensus. I want to print and frame this statement for my office!

Leadership needs to agree on core processes and make one document listing all of them. Name each process and use those names moving forward. Consistency in terminology helps keep everyone on the same page. Checklists for core processes are very valuable.

"Everything can look like failure in the middle."

-- Kanter


If a team has individuals who don't get along, you must schedule a personal issue-solving session.

  1. List the strengths and weaknesses of each other.
  2. List current issues and solve them.
  3. List action items that result from solving issues.
  4. Revisit the topic in 30 days.

Off Site Meetings

At first, these seemed like an inconvenience, especially in a WFH culture.

Now, I understand the importance of separation.

Bibliographical Information

Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business

Gino Wickman

2011: Ban Bella Books, Dallas TX


These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Friday, Feb 28 25