Checklist of Testing Your Online Store

Functionality Tests

  • Test Home Page
  • Test What's New
  • Test About Us
  • Test Shipping Information
  • Test Returns Policy
  • Test Privacy Policy

Product Categories

  • Test any filters such as product filters, colours, sizes, types of products, etc.
  • Test any ability to sort products by name, price, size, etc.
  • Test add to wish list.
  • Test add to basket

Product Details Pages

  • Check product title.
  • Check product description.
  • Check product images.
  • Test enlarge image function.
  • Test 360 degree view of products function
  • Checked related products
  • Check any further product information, colours, sizes, options, and extras.
  • Test add to basket function.

Shopping Basket

  • Add products to basket
  • remove products from basket
  • change quantities
  • test negative quantities and really large numbers
  • select delivery options; change basket and test again
  • check that totals add up correctly


  • Test checkout process
  • Final amount to pay - make sure the value is correct and after the price of the products, taxes, delivery, and any other charges
  • Test making changes to the products being offered, changing delivery options, etc, and make sure the final amount updates correctly.


  • Carry out a test payment using each payment method
  • Test cancelling an order
  • Place a false payment
  • Check that confirmation emails are sent correctly when a payment is made
  • Make sure you can refund a payment
  • Any refund confirmation emails are sent to the recipient successfully

Mobile Devices and Browser Compatibility

  • Apple iPhone
  • Apple iPad
  • Android smartphone
  • Android tablet
  • Blackberry
  • Windows Phone
  • Internet Explorer (edge, 9, 8)
  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari, Mac and PC

Performance Test

  • Performance test of the home page
  • Performance test of the product page
  • Check Your Links
  • Run an automated link check

Proof Reading

  • Proofread main pages.
  • Proofread product pages.
  • Proofread search results pages.
  • Proofread checkout pages.
  • Proofread site emails.

Product Pricing

  • Test product pricing in all currencies.

Web Standards & Accessibility

  • Run HTML validation check.
  • Run CSS validation check.
  • Test your website against WCAG 2.0 guidelines
  • Try browsing your website with a screen-reader and/or text browser
  • Try browsing your website without a mouse, i.e. with just your keyboard.


Just to let you know, this page was last updated Saturday, Jul 27 24