Compression Tools - Convert any major image format into a highly optimized JPEG - Compress and optimize images.

Resemble.js : Image analysis

TinyPNG - Compress PNG images while preserving alpha transparency

Website Planet provides a good compression tool.


Design better tables - make everyone's life better.

HTML Tables Generator

DataTables -  I have used this plugin a few times.

Bootstrap Tables


jQuery HighChart Table

TABLEIZER! | Spreadsheets to HTML Tables Tool

CSV To HTML Converter Create a table out of a CSV file


Here is a good tool to check line-height.

Any API - a full list of 275 Public APIs.

Rapid API has a huge marketplace of APIs.

Better Error Pages - a tool for making error pages.

OverAPI - collection of cheat sheets

Online Javascript Console - write/test some JavaScript quickly with this online tool JavaScript with Thomas Fuchs » DOM Monster Bookmarklet

Free script: Export your layers from photoshop to SVG in a single click! | Hacking UI Magazine

BreakpointTester | Test Your Responsive Design By Breakpoints, Not By Device Width

Useful extensions for Front-End Developers and Designers

Rranks - quickly check website rankings of multiple sites.

50 Cheat Sheets

10 Great Text Editors for Web Designers

Online Converters — A simple tool to help identify which media queries your device responds to

Media Query Bookmarklet | Sparkbox

Meet the Ipsums

Resources for Front End Developers

13 Ways to Browser Test and Validate Your Work | Nettuts+

The international ideal measure slider

tota11y – an accessibility visualization toolkit

HTTP Status Codes

Learning Regular Expressions: The Practical Way

SubtlePatterns Bookmarklet - Preview background patterns on your website

BuiltWith Technology Lookup Find out what a site is built with and runs on

Wireframing — free printable papers for the daily use

Google Libraries API - Developer's Guide - Google Libraries API - Google Code

Button Maker 

CSS Comb

Cupcake Ipsum - Sugar-coated Lorem Ipsum Generator

Front End Web Development Quiz By David Shariff

A great list of Web Development Tools on the David Walsh blog.

100 + Must Have Cheat Sheets and Quick References For Web Designers and Developers

Tools for the Modern Front End Developer's Workflow

Embed stuff on your website responsively

font dragr | Drag and drop font testing

Listify | turn a group of lines into an HTML list

Frame Box - Lightweight online tool for creating mockups

Gridpak - The Responsive grid generator


Keycodes - Javascript Keyboard Codes, Character Codes, Unicode, HTML Entities PX to EM conversion made simple.

Screenfly / Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions

Stylify Me - Online Style Guide Generator

List of useful resources for front end developers

Support Details | Tech Support Management

10 Apps for Web Developers on an iPad

test everything - 100+ tools in one!


Secure Fake Name Creator

Totally Tooling Tips

What Does Your Site Cost to Load


QR Codes

research!rsc: QArt Codes

QR-Code Generator

QR Code Generator - create QR Codes online [business card, t-shirt, mug, 2D barcode, generate QR-Code]

Drawing Tools


This page contains information I gathered and thought were very useful. See more notes on the web.

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Saturday, Feb 15 25