Marketing for Millenials

  • market with millennials; no longer acceptable to market to
  • Millennials in this book are 1977-1995
  • this generation wants to actively participate, co-create, and be included as partners in the brands they love
  • 'participation economy'
  • Millennials connect with a greater number of people, more frequently and in real-time
  • so they want brands to engage with them through social media; expect
  • give them a voice, an opportunity to participate in product development
  • non-Millenials and millennials spend the same amount of them online but Millenials use it as a platform to broadcast their thoughts and experiences - to contribute user-generated content
  • they do not distinguish between online and offline worlds
  • Millenials are closer to their parents
  • engage early adoptions of new tech and social tools
  • build a listening and participation strategy to help connect with brand advocates
  • make them look good among peers
  • design sense of adventure and turn into the brand experience
  • keep loyalty by giving them no reason to cheat so you
  • there are several sub-groups: hip-ennial, old school millenial, gadget guru, clean and green Millenial, millennial mom, anti-millenial
  • Millennials are early adopters of tech
  • texting is super important; more so than email
  • look for instant gratification; value speed, ease, efficiency and convenience
  • Millenials look for integrated online and offline shopping experiences
  • you need a mobile brand strategy
  • you want to get Millenials to spend more time with your brand
  • Millenials are always on - always connected
  • your goal: create a group of eager young brand advocates
  • strive for cultural and brand relevance
  • provide a continuous stream of engaging content
  • the old model is 'reaction'; the new model is 'interaction'
  • -make personal gestures - reach out to individuals in social media, retweet them, talk to them directly
  • allow them to co-create products
  • price is the most important factor when it comes to Millenials purchase decisions
  • they need a reason to choose your brand
  • customer service ranks high with Millenials

Key Take Away

Millennials want to make a positive impact on the world and shop with companies that do the same

Bibliographical Information

Marketing to Millenials
by Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton, ISBN 9780814433232
American Management Association, 2013, NY

These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes

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