I Love Reading

This section of my website contains notes on books I have read. I am sharing the notes I made while reading. I hope you enjoy them.

I own a lot of books. Last year, I decided to catalog and organize them using the Dewey Decimal System. So far, there are 1588 catalogued and labelled books.

One of the reasons I have so many books is for my kids. I love surprising my kids with new finds I have plucked from my shelves. Over the years, I have searched for and acquired many of my favourite books I read as a child. Of course, we have a great selection of LEGO books. My favourites are by Sean Kenney.

I have also collected a lot of books. GoodReads is an excellent service, and I like its API integration. Plus, the iOS app is excellent - I can scan the barcodes of my books and easily add them to my collections.

Read more on why reading is so important.

My favourite places to find books are the library and second-hand stores. I often visited the Goodwill annual book sale, finding treasures such as Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar from 1903. I have seen the strand in New York and bought so many books I could barely close my suitcases.

In addition to kids' books, I have a nice collection of books on 17th-century England. My favourite books are those that discuss nature. I enjoy the writings of Michael Pollan. I recently discovered books by Diana Beresford-Kroeger; her ideas for bio-planning and creating ecologically valuable gardens are fascinating and worth reading.

I also highly recommend Safari Online books. I have a subscription to this fantastic service to read the latest and best tech books.

Here are the books I read:


Making Web sites involves learning everything from usability to information architecture to design & aesthetics to Web standards.

I Love Reading Other People's Books Lists

Jordan Moore maintains a Bookshelf on design. Great site design and a fantastic resource.

I love books. I have read a lot of books. There are lots more I want to read.

I believe everyone should own a library of unread books.

These are notes I made after reading this book. See more book notes

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Saturday, Feb 15 25