
Be prepared for search engines, run through this SEO Checklist. Here is a downloadable checklist: SEO Checklist for Web Designers and another SEO checklist from NetTuts.

Web Site Review Checklist

An important step to ensure your site works well in all browsers and devices, use web standards. Check out this Web standards checklist and see how your site fares.

The Front-End Checklist is an exhaustive list of all the elements you must have in place and tested before launching a website. Use this excellent Web Developer Checklist. Here is another Front End Checklist.

Before Launch

Who doesn't need the ultimate website launch checklist?

Should you need more, then check this Essential Pre-Launch Checklist.

Don't wait to find out your site has usability errors, use this 25 Point Web site Usability Checklist.

Here is a great list of resources, Web Application Penetration Testing Checklist Overview.

I highly recommend reading the Checklist Manifesto (if you have not already).

My Checklists for Web Design and Development

Here are the checklists I setup when checking my own sites.

Front End and UI Checklists

Database Design Checklists

Website Code Checklists

Just to let you know, this page was last updated Friday, Feb 28 25